Unisex One Power Reading Glasses - Men′s Women′s Magnifying Readers. 5X - 2.5X - Square Frame
Put Everything into Clear Focus Now you can wear just one pair of reading glasses for all your vision needs! One Power Readers adjust to the different strengths you require without changing glasses. Don't Go Changing There's no need for multiple pairs of reading glasses for different tasks. Now you can read fine print on prescription medication and turn to read your computer screen from slightly farther away with the same pair of glasses. One Power Readers use flex-focus optic technology that custom corrects to your power needs. Corrects from .5X to 2.5X magnification. Share the Same Pair, Round or Square You can also share one pair of One Power Readers. If you need 2X magnification and your spouse needs 1X, you can now use the same glasses and see clearly. No need to run into the other room to find your own glasses. Choose round or square. Great for both women and men. Wear over contacts. No More Fixed Power Struggles Don't wrestle over which strength is right for you with fixed power glasses. One Power Readers work for anyone who needs magnification from .5X through 2.5X, so you don't have to spend agonizing time in front of a mirror at the store figuring out if 1X or 1.5X is sharper for you. Put Everything into Clear Focus
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